Wednesday 10 April 2019

Art Gallery/Toitu Trip

On Wednesday 10 April Rooms 7 and 8 went to the Art Gallery and Toitu on a bus trip. Room 7 went to the art gallery first and Room 8 went to Toitu. At Toitu we discussed what life was like in early New Zealand and what it was like to travel on a boat for four months from the other side of the world. We watched a slideshow about what Dunedin looked like when it was first settled and then we went on a treasure hunt to find out interesting facts about the gold rush days. At the Art Gallery we watched a movie about life for the Chinese settlers in the gold rush days and we discussed some of the art works in the gallery about gold. Finally we created a wonderful mural about the gold rush for our classroom wall. Some examples of our work have been posted on the Art Gallery’s website. It was a very enjoyable day!

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Year 6 Camp Stall Fundraiser

On Thursday 4 April, the Year 6 children had their camp stall. It was held in the school hall at lunchtime. There was a huge crowd of people buying all sorts of things. It was amazing looking at all the different things people were selling. They were selling things like baking, toys, lollies, drinks, popcorn etc. They had to make posters saying what they were selling at their stall, as well as the price. Most things were either $1.00 or 50c. The Year 6’s made $470.50 from the camp stall which was a huge success and we really appreciate all the parent help we received to prepare our goods for sale. Now we can’t wait until we head off to camp in November!