Tuesday 7 November 2017

Sports Extravaganza

On the 6th November the Year 5 and 6 children went through to Balclutha Recreation Centre for the sports extravaganza. Everyone from our school was put into a group with some other children from other schools. Each team had a different leader and group name. There were about thirty six groups and there were three groups at every sport or activity. We took part in a range of different sports and activities both inside and outside, some of which involved water. There were twelve different activities running. Some of the activities were tyre pull, obstacle course, hockey skills and vortex throw. At the end of the day Mitch, one of the sports extravaganza’s organisers, told us who got the most wins or points and then that team got to stand and they got a big clap. The children felt really excited when they left Milton on the bus and couldn’t wait to get started. Everyone had a great time taking part in these activities. Afterwards everyone was exhausted. On the Wednesday of the same week the juniors went and took part in the sports extravaganza and had just as much fun.